Basics, / Explain Everything
The Tour of Explain Everything
See how the co-founder of Explain Everything presents four things you can do using our interactive whiteboard in less than 3 minutes.
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Basics, / Explain Everything
See how the co-founder of Explain Everything presents four things you can do using our interactive whiteboard in less than 3 minutes.
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For School, / Chris Nauss
Students working with the app Explain Everything are fully engaged in their own learning process. They see themselves as a producer of their own work and success, rather than being a passive receiver of information passed on from their teacher.
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Basics, / Explain Everything
Co-founder and CEO Dr. Reshan Richards, of Explain Everything, shows how he visualizes conversations and sketch notes with his iPad and Explain Everything.
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Basics, For Work, / Explain Everything
See how Bart and Regan explore various concepts together using collaborative features of Explain Everything interactive whiteboard.
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Basics, For School, / Explain Everything x Google
Dig into transforming learning in the classroom and showing understanding with Explain Everything and Google.
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Basics, Tips and Tricks, For Work, For School, / Bartosz Gonczarek
Join the Explain Everything’s co-founder, Bartosz and learn how to bring your static presentation to life. Here are a couple of things you can do with Explain Everything to make that happen.
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For School, / Explain Everything
The kids at St Brigid’s Catholic School in New Norfolk got to explain why they love Explain Everything!
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For Work, / Kristin Savage
Everything starts with a great idea. You start to formulate your plan in your mind and bring the elements together. You create an outline and your idea is looking bright and shiny. However, once you begin to realize your plan, things can turn out to be quite different.
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For School, / Misty So-Sum WAI-COOK
With increased workload and class sizes, some problems that educators face when they use the traditional feedback methods face include the timeliness and quality of feedback, time constraints of consultations, and a lack of engagement by students.
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For Work, For School, / Bartosz Gonczarek
Explain Everything is a rebel. It gives back the pleasure of keeping good old handwritten notes, supercharged with cloud-collaboration and the ability to record that satisfy the demanding needs of modern learners.
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For Work, For School, / Sean Hinkle
Giving and receiving feedback has changed significantly since the reign of the red pen in days past. But no longer does feedback need to be static and one sided. Technology has given us hundreds of new ways to describe what a student, peer, or coworker has done right and wrong as well as what can be improved.
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For Work, / Sean Hinkle
Adding a live visual element to communication allows that effective roundtable discussion from the office or classroom to happen anywhere anytime without oversimplification.
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For School, / Nick Acton
The latest version of Explain Everything is not only potentially the death of ‘interactive screens’ at the front of the classroom. It could also be the death of presentations and modelling as we know it. It is that good.
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Basics, Tips and Tricks, For School, / Nick Acton
Some apps are like swiss army knives. Some can do more than you think. Some can be used in thousands of ways in the classroom. Explain Everything is one such app.
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For School, / Julian Taylor
A story about a teacher who thought applying tech would be a challenge.
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For Work, For School, / Explain Everything
It’s not necessary to be a great artist to communicate visually. Sometimes a simple arrow or a few doodles may be the spark of an idea that will result in greater understanding and finalizing the project faster.
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For School, Events, / Explain Everything
BETTs mission is to bring together people, ideas, practices and technologies so that educators and learners can fulfil their potential. At BETT 2018, Explain Everything unveiled a new look and many new features that we hope helped BETT fulfill its mission.
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For School, / Scott Sheeler
Think about giving students Explain Everything and letting them display their knowledge in beautiful and meaningful ways. Sketchnoting is just one way that students can do this, but it could be a great start in your classroom.
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Basics, For Work, For School, / Ben Kobulnicky
Video has become the new mainstay for communicating ideas and concepts, and with Explain Everything, your digital whiteboard can be a communication portal — a new way to create, extend, and replay whiteboard sessions to audiences near and far.
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For School, / Carrie Baughcum
Suddenly the complexity of it all became simple and the idea of sketchnoting on the iPad was an empowering and fun experience.
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Tips and Tricks, For Work, / Jakub Mastalerz
Perfecting storytelling techniques is an investment on both a personal and business level, but one that is sure to pay off. The need to present more compelling, visual stories is essential to differentiating your brand.
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For School, / Michael Cohen
Since 2013, I have seen my own school adopt animation on a massive scale. I have taught workshops around the country focusing on animation as a vehicle for learning and Explain Everything’s role as the perfect animation tool.
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Tips and Tricks, For School, / Sean Hinkle
Getting back to school is not not always easy (for teachers, students and parents)! We wish we had a few more days of summer, but it’s time to get started and hit the ground running.
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For Work, For School, / Sean Hinkle
When learning about software, do you prefer using a video tutorial (YouTube-style), or well-written text instructions?
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Tips and Tricks, For Work, For School, / Sean Hinkle
When giving a presentation using a slide deck, do you ever wish you could just reach into the minds of your audience to clarify your point?
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For Work, / Sean Hinkle
If you want to truly involve your audience in the room or across the globe, you need collaborative, two-way interaction.
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For Work, For School, / Sean Hinkle
Getting words typed out on a keyboard can be a lot easier and quicker than writing them by hand. But when it comes to retaining information and brainstorming creative ideas, it seems that the good old mighty pen (or stylus) still holds a lot of value.
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For Work, / Josh Doyle
The key to great storytelling is being able to use every tool in its place, to combine strategically, to transfer seamlessly, and to time things just right.
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Basics, For Work, For School, / Sean Hinkle
Explain Everything is the picture-perfect catalyst for the two-way visual communication that is so important in today’s world. From describing complex concepts to connecting salespeople with prospects to onboarding new employees, you can collaborate, share, and learn without boundaries.
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For Work, / Josh Doyle
Changing structures and finding the best mix of new and existing technologies in your organization doesn’t have to spell gloom and doom for professionals.
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Tips and Tricks, / Sean Hinkle
Getting to the core of your point can be difficult, especially during a presentation. Under-explaining, over-explaining, leaving things out, and burying the lead are all very easy mistakes to make.
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Tips and Tricks, / Sam Gleason
Adding some simple animation to enhance your project can grab your audience’s attention and involve them in a way they might otherwise not be.
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For Work, Events, / Explain Everything
Explain Everything team delivered over 300 demonstrations to leaders and professionals at ATD International Conference and Exhibition held in San Diego.
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Tips and Tricks, / Sam Gleason
Do you feel that your projects could use a sense of professionalism? Adding a smooth image pan, or the ‘Ken Burns effect’, to your project can add cinematic feel to your presentations.
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Basics, Tips and Tricks, For Work, For School, / Sam Gleason
Sam goes over his five best tactics for creating amazing tutorials.
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Tips and Tricks, For Work, / Sean Hinkle
Ensuring all employees receive valuable training should be a strategic priority that aligns with an organization’s objectives and dynamic workforces.
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Tips and Tricks, For Work, For School, / Mike DiTomo
The more ideas we collaborate and share with others, the more power we have to define the galaxy NOT SO far, far away.
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Basics, Tips and Tricks, For Work, For School, / Sean Hinkle
Explain Everything offers all kinds of fun tools to make fast, interesting, and most importantly effective quick captures!
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For Work, / Josh Doyle
As video’s influence grows, software that lets businesses create video they can easily edit and customize will be a boon to any business’s communications efforts.
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Tips and Tricks, / Jakub Mastalerz
While you may not love seeing yourself on video (who does?), your audience will surely appreciate the clarity brought by your smiling face.
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Basics, For Work, / Sean Hinkle
When choosing a web whiteboard, it’s necessary to consider a couple of aspects such as accessibility, media support, interactive character and more.
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Tips and Tricks, / Sean Hinkle
Any size, shape, and visual medium can be duplicated (almost) instantly!
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For School, / Chris Nauss
From a content delivery perspective, Explain Everything gave students the ability to smoothly incorporate video, pictures, voice overs, live writing, and static slides all in the same production. From a teacher’s perspective, I could rewatch presentations, review them with the lab group, and have students post them on our Good Community to garner peer feedback.
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Tips and Tricks, / Sean Hinkle
Utilizing shape objects in Explain Everything can give you not only the lovely consistency we aim for when making projects, but also the flexibility to adjust quickly and easily, even on the fly!
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Tips and Tricks, / Sean Hinkle
Sharing your projects with Explain Everything is simple and fast. But what about when you only need to share one item on your canvas? Not to worry!
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For School, / Jennifer Hallas
This application has transformed not only how I provide accommodations to students, but also how I create and deliver specially designed instruction and provide opportunities for guided practice to my students.
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Tips and Tricks, / Sean Hinkle
It’s not always easy to get things just the way you want. Explain Everything has plenty of tools to help you to not only get your projects done, but get them done quickly and efficiently.
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Tips and Tricks, / Sean Hinkle
Let Explain Everything soothe your nerves with the ability to lock objects on your canvas. You’ll be able to smooth your scrolling and record your annotations with ease.
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For School, / Carrie Baughcum
After a lot of hard work, my sketchnoters were ready to take their skills to the next level and paper just wasn’t cutting it anymore.
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Tips and Tricks, / Sean Hinkle
Sometimes you nail it and sometimes you don’t. For the times that you don’t, Explain Everything has a feature that makes it simple to delete a piece of your audio and try again!
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Tips and Tricks, / Sean Hinkle
Long blank sections, certain assets didn’t work quite the way you thought, or simply want to cut a part of your recording? Delete and Compacting the timeline makes this a cinch!
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Tips and Tricks, For Work, / Sean Hinkle
Visuals grab attention. When you’re on the hunt for a job and need to stand above the crowd, how do you do that among a sea of qualified applicants?
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Tips and Tricks, / Jakub Mastalerz
When explaining complex problems there are times when your attention needs to be focused on just talking.
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For School, / Cruz N. Ramirez
When we review our lesson on the screen through Explain Everything it makes the students feel important, powerful, and confident. It’s an amazing tool that keeps all my lessons together.
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Basics, For School, / Scott Sheeler
Scott Sheeler has been using Explain Everything to create fantastic projects. He’s already shared his sketchnoting tips and now he’s created some amazing instructional projects for College Ready Ohio!
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Basics, Tips and Tricks, For Work, For School, / Reshan Richards
The idea is that you can take the most basic shape and turn it into other things with very simple transformations. And, you can define that thing based on what is near it.
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Basics, Tips and Tricks, For Work, For School, / Sean Hinkle
Making engaging and interesting presentations can be daunting. Thankfully Explain Everything’s amazing features have swooped in yet again to relieve your stress!
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For School, Events, / Explain Everything x Villa Wewersbusch
Watch our video coverage from the “Lernen der Zukunft” conference at Villa Wewersbusch, Germany.
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Tips and Tricks, For Work, For School, / Sean Hinkle
Have the perfect assets in one of your projects that you want to reuse? Or perhaps simply have two projects that you need in one nice package? Merging projects can save you time and effort.
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Tips and Tricks, For Work, For School, / Sean Hinkle
Do you find yourself creating similarly structured presentations or projects all the time? It can be a major headache to create the same thing over and over again. Placeholders are a great way to perfect your layouts without having to immediately add your media.
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Tips and Tricks, For Work, For School, / Sean Hinkle
It can be frustrating to constantly have to go through inserting an image only to re-add your annotations each time. This is where Explain Everything’s Add as clipart feature steps in to save the day!
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Basics, For Work, / Freddie Tubbs
Whatever it is you struggle with, it’s important to identify it and work towards improving it. A lot of people struggle with problems that are actually very minor and easy to fix, once they know about them.
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For School, Events, / Explain Everything
Watch how the attendees of the conference “Lernen der Zukunft” describe Explain Everything in one word. The event took place at Villa Wewersbusch – Apple Distinguished School in Germany.
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For Work, For School, / Sean Hinkle
Participatory collaboration is vital not only in the classroom, but in the business environment too.
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For School, Events, / Explain Everything x SkoleTube
Team Explain Everything attended the eighth WebIT conference held by the SkoleTube founders in Fredericia, Denmark on 25th August 2016. It was focused on both practical and theoretical aspects of technology and innovations in interactive whiteboard teaching. We presented a short history of our application onstage, showed many features of the app and listened to the needs of the users.
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For Work, / Jakub Mastalerz
While we use various devices, apps and services for communication within our teams, we often miss out on using the same effective approaches to communicate with our customers.
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For School, / Rosa Liarte
I love to use Explain Everything with my students too, working on problem-based learning.
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