Plans for Education

Not from an educational institution? See the plans for individual and commercial use
Get started with all creative features
$0 Start free, no credit card required
Up to 3 projects
1 slide per project
3-minute videos
Collaborate with 1 person
Collaborate for up to 15 minutes
500 MB cloud storage
Promethean Bundle
Provide instruction with whiteboard, engagement apps, and video lessons.
Unlimited projects
Unlimited slides
Unrestricted video length
Collaborate with 1 person
Collaborate for up to 30 minutes
7.5 GB cloud storage
Custom Pricing for Schools
Speak with us today about custom pricing and features for larger groups of Explain Everything Advanced subscriptions.
Custom Pricing for Schools
Additional features and volume pricing are available for schools and district groups, including:
LMS integrations
Flexibility of license deployment
Expanded collaboration options
Professional Development

Compare all features

Included in all plans!
Whiteboarding tools All creative whiteboarding tools and colors
Rich media support PDFs, documents, images, presentations, audio, and videos
Whiteboard slide space Infinite canvas
Platform availability iPads, iPhones, Chromebooks, Android devices, and as a web browser app for desktop
Free Advanced Promethean Bundle Custom Plans for Schools
Licenses and storage
Number of accounts that can be in your group. They will be able to create projects and use Explain Everything independently.
1 1 Custom
Explain Drive cloud storage
Amount of storage space available for your projects, collaborations, and videos on Explain Drive.
500 MB 7.5 GB 10 GB pooled cloud storage per every Teacher
User and license management
Full user control for admins and additional settings for the in-app experience of your team like default colors, fonts, and integrations.
License deployment through MDM
Amount of storage space available for your projects, collaborations, and videos on Explain Drive.
Create and visualize
Limit of projects you can create.
Up to 3 Unlimited Unlimited
Limit of slides you can add within a single project.
1 slide per project Unlimited Unlimited
Template library
Set of ready-made projects for instant use.
Custom templates
Limit of local templates you can create.
Up to 2 Unlimited Unlimited
On-demand group templates
Provide instant access to all custom templates for all accounts in your group.
Promethean engagement apps
Ask questions and receive responses from students instantly.
Use clock and stopwatch to measure time.
Randomly select items from the built-in templates or your own lists.
Ready content access
External cloud storage integrations
Easy integrations with Dropbox, Google Drive, YouTube, OneDrive, Schoolwork, and more. Available in mobile apps.
Clipart Library
Set of ready-to-use, high-quality graphics for your projects.
Stock Images and GIFs
External libraries of free-to-use to use images and GIFs. Available on iPads, iPhones, and Web.
Document scanning
Ability to digitize and insert your your documents by scanning them. Available on iPads and iPhones.
On-demand custom clipart library
Customize clipart library with images and logos that you use every day for all accounts in your group.
Share your teaching
File-based project sharing
Share your projects as .explain files.
Cloud projects
Store and share your projects in the Explain Everything cloud.
In-classroom projection
Share your whiteboard screen on a second display. Full support on iPads and iPhones. Cable connection available on all platforms.
Remote broadcasting
Share your whiteboard screen in video meeting apps.
Online collaboration
Synchronously and asynchronously work together with others in a project.
1 on 1 1 on 1 Up to 8 people at the same time
Collaborative session duration
Time limit for collaborative sessions. It will start counting once another person joins your cloud project.
Up to 15 minutes Up to 30 minutes No time limit within your school
LMS Integration: Project assignments
Create Explain Everything project assignments and submit them via your LMS. Available in: Canvas LMS, Schoology LMS, Moodle LMS, Blackboard LMS.
Record, edit, share videos
Video length
Time limit for exported videos and Web Video Links.
3 minutes Unlimited Unlimited
Video editing toolset
Set of editing tools for video production. Availability varies per platform.
Share Web Video Links in LMS
Embed Web Video Links in your LMS.
LMS Integration: Create a Video assignments
"Create a Video" LMS assignments allow you to send a project to your students so they can create video from it. Available in: Canvas LMS.
Student-made videos
Students in your group are able to create their own videos. They'll only be able to share it with Teachers and Admins.
Content and student privacy control
Cloud project access
Who can access your cloud projects.
Project setting Project setting School-wide access only
Web Video Link access
Who can access your Web Video Links.
Anyone with a link Anyone with a link School-wide access only
Voice Chat control
Ability to turn the Voice Chat on and off.
Per project Per project School-wide setting
Student content sharing option
How students are able to share their creations.
Can share with School's teachers only
Students can set up accounts without emails
When setting up student accounts you can opt to not use email and set up their accounts via access CODEs.
Disable students ability to collaborate with each other
When managing student profiles, toggle the ability to enable and disable collaboration.
Online Help Center
Easy-to-follow instructions available on
Email Support
Get help from our support team via email.
Custom Onboarding
The support team will guide your institution through the onboarding process.
Tailored Training Session
Get a training session tailored to your institution’s needs prepared by designated Online Instruction Specialist.
Live Professional Development Sessions
Personal development sessions, delivered remotely, geared towards making your transition from physical to digital whiteboard as efficient as possible.
2 hours
Customized Curriculum Planning Consultations
Our experts will analyze your district curriculum practices and digital commitments and help you develop templates and navigate your transformation.
On-demand usage reports
On-demand advanced reports with analytics and usage data.
On-demand choice of region for data residency
Choose in which region your group data will be stored.

Your LMSs for productive teaching

20M+ teachers across the globe love Explain Everything

Schools, universities and companies choose Explain Everything
as their whiteboard solution for teaching.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many licenses do I need for my institution? The number of licenses depends mainly on the number of teachers in your school or district. Each Teacher license in the School plan comes with 100 Student licenses that you can distribute to your students. Depending on how you'd like to use Explain Everything, you can also choose not to get licenses for your students. Learn how usage scenarios affect the number of licenses
What forms of payment do you accept? We accept all major credit cards. For yearly and group plan, we issue invoices payable by bank transfer, check and PayPal. We also support payment by Purchase Orders (PO). See more details
What is included with the free plan? On the Free plan you can:
  • Use all the creative whiteboarding tools
  • Create up to 3 projects
  • Use 1 slide per project
  • Record and export videos up to 3 minutes long
  • Share and store content using 500 MB of cloud space
See more details
What's the difference between Teacher and Student licenses? The main difference is in the ability of sharing content. Students can share their projects and videos only with Teachers, Admins, and the Owner of the group. Students can also register their accounts without using email. Learn more about the roles in Education group accounts
Does everyone need an account to collaborate? We recommend creating accounts for everyone, but it’s not required. Users with no accounts will still be able to collaborate. However, there is one limitation: someone with an account needs to be in the project for them to join. In other words, they won’t be able to work independently.
Does everyone need an account to watch my videos? Viewing content created in Explain Everything does not require an account or subscription. However if you're on the Class or School plan, only people from your organization will be able to view your content.
Can I add more licenses? Yes, you can add more licenses at any point during your subscription. You’ll be charged a prorated fee for adding new users. See more details
What happens to my content if I unsubscribe? If you decide to cancel your subscription and change to the free plan, we will ask you to remove some of your projects and videos so you do not exceed the free account limit. Please note that you can download the projects and videos you have created to have backup.
How do I deploy Explain Everything to my group? Once an Admin account is created, you can go ahead and onboard your users. We support many deployment options to choose from. Learn more about deployment options
How to cancel renewals for an Explain Everything subscription? In order to cancel renewals for a subscription purchased on our website, please follow these steps. If you have purchased a subscription on the App Store, please use the method detailed here.
Is Explain Everything compliant with regulations like GDPR or FERPA? In short – yes. Check out the article about the compliance of Explain Everything if you’d like to learn more or see Explain Everything’s Privacy Policy for full overview.
What happened to Explain Everything Basics? Explain Everything Basics has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase in the App Store. Learn more

Plans for Individual and Commercial Use

Looking for offers for an educational institution? See the Plans for Education
Get started with all creative features
$0 Start free, no credit card required
Top Features
All whiteboarding and recording tools
Record videos for up to 3 minutes long
500 MB cloud storage
Create up to 3 projects with a single infinite slide
1 on 1 collaboration for up to 15 minutes
Most Popular
Designed for tutors, creatives, facilitators, and business consultants
$7.49 USD / month Billed yearly
$9.99 USD / month Billed monthly
Top Features
Unlimited projects with unlimited slides
Unrestricted video length
20 GB cloud storage
Collaborate with no time limits with up to 8 people
Email support
Get the powerful whiteboard for everyone in your company
$7.49 USD / month Per user, billed yearly
$9.99 USD / month Per user, billed monthly
Top Features
Team-wide settings and team management tools
Team shared folders
20 GB pooled cloud storage per person
On-demand choice of region for data residency
Designated account manager and custom onboarding for teams above 50 people

Compare all features

Included in all plans!
Whiteboarding tools All creative whiteboarding tools and colors
Rich media support PDFs, documents, images, presentations, audio, and videos
Whiteboard slide space Infinite canvas
Platform availability iPads, iPhones, Chromebooks, Android devices, and as a web browser app for desktop
Free Pro Most Popular Team
Licenses and storage
Number of accounts that can be in your group. They will be able to create projects and use Explain Everything independently.
1 1 Custom
Explain Drive cloud storage
Amount of storage space available for your projects, collaborations, and videos on Explain Drive.
500 MB 20 GB 20 GB pooled cloud storage per person
User and license management
Full user control for admins and additional settings for the in-app experience of your team like default colors, fonts, and integrations.
License deployment through MDM
Deploy all licenses in a snap with an MDM solution of your choice.
Create and visualize
Limit of projects you can create.
Up to 3 Unlimited Unlimited
Limit of slides you can add within a single project.
1 slide per project Unlimited Unlimited
Template library
Set of ready-made projects for instant use.
Custom templates
Limit of local templates you can create.
Up to 2 Unlimited Unlimited
On-demand group templates
Provide instant access to all custom templates for all accounts in your group.
Ready content access
External cloud storage integrations
Easy integrations with Dropbox, Google Drive, YouTube, OneDrive, Schoolwork, and more. Available in mobile apps.
Clipart Library
Set of ready-to-use, high-quality graphics for your projects.
Stock Images and GIFs
External libraries of free-to-use to use images and GIFs. Available on iPads and iPhones.
Document scanning
Ability to digitize and insert your your documents by scanning them. Available on iPads and iPhones.
On-demand custom clipart library
Customize clipart library with images and logos that you use every day for all accounts in your group.
Share your teaching
File-based project sharing
Share your projects as .explain files.
Cloud projects
Store and share your projects in the Explain Everything cloud.
In-classroom projection
Share your whiteboard screen on a second display. Full support on iPads and iPhones. Cable connection available on all platforms.
Remote broadcasting
Share your whiteboard screen in video meeting apps.
Online collaboration
Synchronously and asynchronously work together synchron in one project with others.
1 on 1 Up to 8 people at the same time Up to 8 people at the same time
Collaborative session duration
Time limit for collaborative sessions. It will start counting once another person joins your cloud project.
Up to 15 minutes No time limit No time limit
LMS Integration: Project assignments
Create Explain Everything project assignments and submit them via your LMS. Available in: Canvas LMS, Schoology LMS, Moodle LMS, Blackboard LMS
Record, edit, and share videos
Video length
Time limit for exported videos and Web Video Links.
3 minutes Unlimited Unlimited
Video editing toolset
Set of editing tools for video production. Availability varies per platform.
Share Web Video Links in LMS
Embed Web Video Links in your LMS.
LMS Integration: Create a Video assignments
"Create a Video" LMS assignments allow you to send a project to your students so they can create video from it. Available in: Canvas LMS.
Content and privacy control
Cloud project access
Who can access your cloud projects.
Project setting Project setting Team-wide setting
Web Video Link access
Who can access your Web Video Links.
Anyone with a link Anyone with a link Team-wide setting
Voice Chat control
Ability to turn the Voice Chat on and off.
Per project Per project Team-wide setting
Member content sharing options
Control how Members are able to share their creations.
Team-wide setting
Online Help Center
Easy-to-follow instructions available on
Email Support
Get help from our support team via email.
Custom Onboarding
The support team will guide your company through the onboarding process.
For teams above 50 people
Tailored Training Session
Get a training session tailored to your company's needs prepared by a designated Online Instruction Specialist.
For teams above 50 people
On-demand Usage Reports
On-demand advanced reports with analytics and usage data.
On-demand choice of region for data residency
Choose in which region your group data will be stored.

Frequently Asked Questions

What forms of payment do you accept? We accept all major credit cards. For yearly and group plan, we issue invoices payable by bank transfer, check and PayPal. We also support payment by Purchase Orders (PO). Payment options
What is included with the free plan? On the Free plan you can:
  • Use all the creative whiteboarding tools
  • Create up to 3 projects
  • Use 1 slide per project
  • Record and export videos up to 3 minutes long
  • Share and store content using 500 MB of cloud space
Limits of the Free plan
Does everyone need an account to collaborate? We recommend creating accounts for everyone, but it’s not required. Users with no accounts will still be able to collaborate. However, there is one limitation: someone with an account needs to be in the project for them to join. In other words, they won’t be able to work independently.
Does everyone need an account to watch my videos? Viewing content created in Explain Everything does not require an account or subscription. However you can limit the access account-wide so that it is only people from your group can view it.
Can I add more licenses? Yes, you can add more licenses at any point during your subscription. You’ll be charged a prorated fee for adding new users. How to add more licenses
What happens to my content if I unsubscribe? If you decide to cancel your subscription and change to the free plan, we will ask you to remove some of your projects and videos so you do not exceed the free account limit. Please note that you can download the projects and videos you have created to have backup.
How do I deploy Explain Everything to my group? Once an Admin account is created, you can go ahead and onboard your users. We support many deployment options to choose from. Deployment options
How to cancel renewals for an Explain Everything subscription? In order to cancel renewals for a subscription purchased on our website, please follow these steps. If you have purchased a subscription on the App Store, please use the method detailed here.
Is Explain Everything compliant with regulations like GDPR or FERPA? In short – yes. Check out the article about the compliance of Explain Everything if you’d like to learn more or see Explain Everything’s Privacy Policy for full overview.