Digital Whiteboard Explain Everything

Create engaging lessons, assign activities and tasks. Record instructions and give interactive presentations.


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Leading the Classroom


Explain Everything, the leading digital whiteboard platform for delivering engaging lessons, is now joining Promethean.
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A digital whiteboard for teaching

Explain Everything is here for you and your students. Create engaging learning experiences,
online and in-classroom.

online whiteboard video tutorials

Record Video Lessons

Create editable whiteboard video lectures for easy blended learning. Record feedback, pre-trainings, instructions or lessons summaries, and share them instantly.

collaborative projects

Share Learning Materials

Engage students with collaborative projects and assignments served up with multiple content formats. Unlock your students’ creativity.

online whiteboard my drive

Build a Content Repository

Digitize books and papers, create tasks and lesson libraries, use ready-made templates! Keep tons of materials in one digital space.


Explain Everything Whiteboard and LMSs

Get advantage of using a whiteboard app fully integrated with the best teachers’
tools and solutions.

Teach with an LMS

Use your favorite LMS and other integrated services to easily assign whiteboard activities and grade them.

Teach with conferencing tools

Support your teaching workflow with different video conferencing software.

google meets


Keep your students’ data secure and private

Securely manage student access,
data, and privacy.

Learn more


20M+ downloads across the globe

Schools, universities and companies choose Explain Everything
as their digital whiteboard for teaching.

Success Stories

Get a tailored offer

Interested in getting a special offer for your school or institution? Want to become
our partner? Let’s talk about how we can leverage digital teaching, together.

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Recent posts with feature updates, teaching stories, and inspirational news.