September 15th, 2021 by Marianna Chade

Back to School with Explain Everything and Genially for better student engagement

genially explain everything whiteboard back to school 2021

In-class lessons are something we are all wishing for this back to school 2021. But according to some more down-to-earth prognostics, this scenario is neither easy nor certain. In most cases, the teaching model this school year will be at least some version of the hybrid school model. Yet there is so much you, as teachers, have already mastered, and there is plenty of technology to help you. Use it!

This is an example of an interactive presentation that you can create using Explain Everything online whiteboard and Genially:

Fun and educational, right? Read on to find out how you can use this kind of material to engage students, no matter the distance.

Explainer videos and interactive presentations for any teaching model

Whether you’re going to teach in-class, fully remotely or in a hybrid learning model, you can use more learner-centered instructional strategies, like a flipped classroom. This learning model has been proven to increase student engagement, and it’s perfect regardless of where you’re teaching from.

The most popular and easy way to present a topic to your students is using an explainer video. This is where a recordable whiteboard such Explain Everything can help.

Here’s an example of an explainer video created in Explain Everything:

Sure, it’s quite advanced, but remember that there’s no need to make all of your simple educational videos or video instructions so pro – and definitely not when you are just getting started.

Curious how other teachers do it? Take a look at these amazing explainer videos:

Start recording similar video lessons with these instructions (there’s a video, too!).

Interactive lessons to increase student engagement

With Genially, you can turn any educational material you create into an interactive presentation, and this kind of material is sure to be engaging even if you’re not in the same room with your students. With a wide variety of different templates, interactive buttons, animations and other elements at your disposal, it’s easy to win a student’s attention and interest. 

Adding interactive elements to your instruction can not only make it more fun to take in, but it also – perhaps most importantly – requires viewer engagement. Making your educational materials interactive will give your students a somewhat game-like experience. And who doesn’t like to play?

So instead of a regular explainer video (such as the one about coffee we presented above), you can send your students something more like this:

Using a Genially template, this video didn’t take a lot of time to prepare at all. And you can create fun materials like this to go with anything you create in Explain Everything!

Unlock 25% off a Genially EDU PRO plan!

If you’re interested in tapping into all of the features that Genially has to offer, you can use the code TEACHTECHEDU25 until the end of 2021 to get 25% off the EDU PRO plan. See all pricing and plans.

Explain Everything whiteboard and Genially for creating interactive lessons

The explainer videos, presentations and collaborative lessons that you create with Explain Everything Whiteboard are engaging on their own – in any teaching model. But if you are ready to take things up a notch, you can use Genially for some impressive post-production polishing. 

Engaging students is the key to effective learning at every level, from K12 to higher education. The technology and tools that you use should be both simple and intuitive, so you can transfer your knowledge to your students effectively, regardless of whether you happen to be in the classroom or in front of your computer. Together, Explain Everything and Genially check all of those boxes. Give them a try!

Learn how to use the best online teaching whiteboard from scratch with these video instructions: